Hi 1Cent, I'm actually in the Bronx, an outer borough.
Guess what I discovered for myself and my life after having lived in NYC over 30 years?
For over 30 years, I relied exclusively on the NYC MTA subway system for routine transportation needs. It worked beautifully.
But when I started mystery shopping I realized real quick the subway didn't go to every NYC corner. That was when I discovered my discovery.
I was almost in shock to discover that the NYC MTA bus system actually works in fact. What was I thinking?
Let's just say that in the course of my discovery, the image I had of bus people being an older, frailer and retired, very slow crowd was completely disappeared.
No, I'd still rather the subway. I find it more reliable. But the bus system does work. I don't even need a car.
What I need are a metrocard, my smart phone and Googe Maps. I plug in my destination address and the lady in the phone tells me which bus to catch when and where.
She guides me through the journey and even tells me at what point to get off the bus and so on..
Beautiful! I don't even need a car.
H Brown