Exactly what roflwofl said.
It's great that you did some research before depositing that check. It really shocks me that people fall for this scam, even when the scammers use real MSC names. If you could really make $300+ for less than a half hour of work, everyone would do it. There is one shopper that I know of that has claimed to have got a shop that pays $300 for less than an hour of work. All the power if that is actually accurate, but I can guarantee that it is not the norm, and I'd definitely want to have a relationship with that MSC before I ever took a shop that claims to pay that much.
Your normal shops will pay between reimbursement only, to about $100 on average. Those $100 shops take well over 15 minutes to do.
Edited to also say that it is extremely rare that a mystery shop company will send you any money before you complete the shop. They pay and reimburse you later 99.9% of the time.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2019 06:34PM by KSSPete.