A common scam is to send a really, really good fake check or money order for perhaps $2000. They tell you to buy about $1700 of gift cards and mail them to some address and to keep the other $300 as your fee / payment. A week or two later your bank tells you that the check was bogus and your account is overdrawn and they want you to replace the $2000. The pretend mystery shopping company is of course nowhere to be found.
If you received this scam by USPS mail, I suggest that you contact the USPS Postal Inspectors. It may save some future person from becoming a victim. Quite often people come here only after their bank has contactd them to tell them that the check was bad.quote=marlapence]
I have received an assignment from Intouch Insight as a mystery shopper, and a check accompanied it. The person who contacted me is Bryan Thomas. I think this is too good to be true. The check is issued on a credit union that has since merged with another credit union and taken on the new name; there is no company ID on the check and no account number. I believe this is a scam, but found the company's web site. Help!!!![/quote]
Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008