If you get anything via regular postal mail (i.e. a check) from a MSC and you haven't done any work, it's a scam. You have to sign up with a MSC (mystery shopping company) through their website, at which time you will be given (or choose) a username and password. Then you can apply for various assignments that you will report on their website, and you will get paid about a month later (some MSCs pay faster, some slower). Your average shop fee is about $20 per assignment. So that's how you know if it's real or if it's a fake scam. No one pays in advance for work and if it's a real shop it doesn't pay a crazy fee like $300 (unless you are doing covert video shops).
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2019 03:11AM by JASFLALMT.