Nearly every company listed on this site (a link to the list is at the bottom of this page) pays reliably and on time in accordance with their own policies. The large majority of complaints tend to come from folks who either did something incorrectly or who did not understand the specific company's payment processes and/or schedules. That said, sometimes MSC's do make mistakes - as they are run by humans. The vast majority of them are honest and remedy those mistakes quickly.
There is only one company that I avoid completely: Red Quanta. I've never shopped with them, but the stories (from folks I trust) I have heard about them lead me to not want to let them have my SS#.
I do approach Cirrus Marketing Intelligence with caution. They are very slow payers (slowest in the industry, perhaps?) and have "forgotten" to pay me about 50% of the time. Still, when I have called and inquired, they have always paid me within a day (usually a few hours) of my call. So, I continue to work with them - Though only sparingly and when the bonuses are high.
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