Hello! Kissed corporate America goodbye!

I performed Mystery Shops about ten years ago during a lull in my career, then I got a "real" job and stopped. I got fed up with all of the corporate BS, which exacerbated some health problems, so I took early "retirement" a couple of months ago. So, I'm back mystery shopping to supplement my less than abundant income. When looking through the threads, it looks like not much has changed other than being able to enter some shops on your phone!

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Lots more picture taking. Back in the 2000's no one wanted pictures of the untouched plate of food/line of workers/display. Now that is what everything is about, taking discrete pictures.

Orlando - lightly shopping NC
True. I'v not taken any yet with the "discrete" picture requirement. I'm really not sure how you can "discretely" take photos of a whole aisle at a store.
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