
I am a fantastic mystery shopper because I have a great appreciation for receiving top notch customer service. I feel that mystery shopping is an opportunity for me to improve service levels from the businesses that I shop. I take pleasure in knowing that my comments and suggestions are read and acted upon by the business. I take personal satisfaction in watching service levels rise and knowing that I played a part in the improvement. I play close attention to detail and I pride myself on integrity. Most importantly, I know how to be objective, and accurate. Also, I have been mystery shopping since 2006.

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Welcome. Where are you located and what types of shops do you like the most?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi: I'm new to this community. I joined because I love to shop for the best deals at all stores. I have a passion for fashion and thought I could parlay that in this community
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