New from Boston,MA area

Hi everyone I live in the Boston,MA area. I just joined this forum and I'm looking forward to dig through all the insight posted here as I sign up for different mystery shopping companies. I currently have a part time job and mystery shopping seems like it could be a great way to supplement my income. Is that kind of what most mystery shoppers do? Are there any mystery shoppers that have been able to make mystery shopping their primary income?

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Hello and Welcome!
If you have not done so already, I suggest reading the "new shoppers" area on the forum. It will give you a great overview of the world of mystery shopping. Many of us are signed up with 100+ companies and most of us shop to either supplement our incomes or keep busy, for instance, during retirement. There are a small handful of folks who shop full time. A few post regularly on this board.

Me: I work full time and shop to augment my family's income. I'm in Seattle.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
@MFJohnston wrote:

Hello and Welcome!
If you have not done so already, I suggest reading the "new shoppers" area on the forum. It will give you a great overview of the world of mystery shopping. Many of us are signed up with 100+ companies and most of us shop to either supplement our incomes or keep busy, for instance, during retirement. There are a small handful of folks who shop full time. A few post regularly on this board.

Me: I work full time and shop to augment my family's income. I'm in Seattle.

Thank you very much! I've started reading the "New Shoppers" area and there is a lot of useful information. So far I've got through the sign up process for about 10 companies. I look forward to signing up with over 100 as suggested.
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