Hello from New Brunswick Canada

I am actually from Nova Scotia and still live in Nova Scotia but I divide my time between there and my boyfriend in New Brunswick. So far my only mystery shopping experience stands with BestMark. The area I was looking for mystery shop jobs in before was too small so not many jobs. I am near a city now though so hope to find more. My name is Lee and I am quite easy going, open minded and frugal. I hope to learn lots here about mystery shopping.

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Hi - Welcome aboard ! You certainly will learn a lot here on the forum. There are some very smart and knowledgeable people on the forum. Bestmark is a good company. You may want to join Marketforce also. Read the forum to get an idea of which companies you'd like to join and use the list of the companies at the bottom of the forum as a guide. Join as many as you can.
Hey, so I love both provinces, my husband and I went on a 10-day vacation starting out in Maine and working our way up into the maritimes. We went to the Dutch Mason Blues Fest, awesome times!

A lot of the MSCs on this site are U.S. based only, so be careful to read their homepages carefully to find out if they shop Canada. Best of luck to you!
Hi WorkAtHomeGal! Shoppers Confidential also has shops in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and we would love for you to sign up as a shopper with us! www.shoppersconfidential.com
Hello and Welcome WorkAtHomeGal! Service with Style has shops in Canada and some in St. Andrews New Brunswick. Feel free to signup at [servicewithstyle.com] I'd love to schedule for you.

Shopmetrics, Inc
Email CPinkston@shopmetrics.com
Welcome to the forum and to the mystery shopping community! If you have not had a chance to review the platform I Secret Shop, Intouch Insight offers a variety of shops in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick that might open up some new opportunities for you. We pay our shoppers on a fixed payment schedule every other Friday through Paypal and we use the platform ISS ( I Secret Shop) to advertise and schedule our shops. Although we use this platform with over 20 other MSC's, I am not sure what the others might have to offer you in those areas. However, I do know that we at Intouch Insight always have opportunities in those provinces and would love to have you on board! Feel free to send me a message or reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with registering. You can visit our site at www.intouchinsight.com and click on the mystery shoppers tab for more information on our clients and to register.

On a personal note, I am from New Brunswick originally and get the warm and fuzzies when I see people talking about my home province smiling smiley.

Take care and happy shopping!
-Florence M.

Florence Mitchell
Intouch Insight
1-800-263-2980 ext 232
Hi @WorkAtHomeGal and Welcome to the world of Mystery Shopping!
BARE International just launched a few large programs in Canada with more on the horizon.
If you have not joined BARE yet, you should know that we have a solid industry reputation, celebrating more than 30 years in business and is known for its credibility, stability, and variety of opportunities.

As an Evaluator for BARE International, you become a valuable part of providing game-changing insights to our clients. You can have an impact on how our clients provide customer service and make business decisions. The same ethical standards we uphold when designing, implementing, and analyzing research strategies for our clients also applies to you as one of our Evaluators. We strive to create opportunities as worthwhile to you as your work is to us.

6 Benefits of Being a BARE Evaluator
1). Extra Income - Earn with our transparent evaluation system that helps you improve your work and ensures fair, democratic scheduling.
2) Fun Work - Learning more about interesting products and brands is fun, and helping companies make a difference is truly rewarding.
3) Feel Valued - With competition increasing daily, you’ll be a valuable asset to companies looking to improve customer experience.
4) Fair Pay - BARE ensures reasonable compensation and maintains secure and accurate financial control systems.
5) Flexible Hours - Enjoy less stringent validation processes and full control over dates, deadlines, payments and workload.
6) Professional Reputation - BARE has a solid industry reputation, celebrating 30 years in business and is known for its credibility, stability, and variety of opportunities.
You can become an Evaluator of BARE here: [www.bareinternational.com]

Feel free to message me if you need anything!
Lisa S.

Marketing | Business Development
Phone: +1 800 296 6699
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