Just started Mystery Shopping

Hello all! My name is Mary Seymour and I'm new to mystery shopping and to this forum. What I've read so far has been immensely helpful. I am a married mom of two. My youngest is 8, my oldest 22. I was looking for a job I could do at home and saw an ad on Craigslist for mystery shopping that involved evaluating websites. That didn't appeal to me, but it did lead me to finding out about retail-type shops that I like to do. I've only been at this for a little over a week, so everything in new and exciting. I look forward to reading the posts here on the board and maybe helping out someone along the way once I figure out what I'm doing! haha

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2018 06:24PM by mophies.

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Hello and Welcome!
I would be wary of advertisements on Craigslists - most advertised mystery/secret shopping jobs are scams. However, you will find a tremendous amount of legitimate work through this forum. For instance, at the bottom of this page is a link to a list of over 200 mystery shopping companies - which are all legitimate. The 15 most discussed companies (another list found with the same link) are all larger companies that offer work nationwide.

This is a great side gig for parents looking to make side income and need the flexibility to take care of their kids. You'll find this forum fairly active and if you post questions, you'll likely get several answers in short order. There are folks on this forum of have been doing this for more than 20 years. Most folks do this part time to supplement their incomes. Some do this as a way to enjoy more expensive recreational activities. A few shop as their full time work.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
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