Thank you for this question and the replies. They're really helpful. I thought I'd just piggyback here rather than create another scam topic. I'm pretty sure I got my first scam email today:
"We are hiring Secret Shoppers to perform survey for $325.00 per assignment
and send reports to our Customer Satisfaction Department for reviews. Send a
reply if you are interested.
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Apt/Suite #:
Zip Code
Phone number:
Are you currently employed;
Do you have WalMart Stores around:
You will be earning $325.00 plus compensation per assignment by shopping at
the closest selected Stores around you and carrying out Survey on the store(s)
to submit evaluation reports on-line. Our partners will sponsor your shopping, dinning etc
by paying through a Certified Check, which will be mailed to your address
provided above.
We will be waiting for your response and interest soon
Amicka Hunt
Recruiting Department
Mystery Shopper®"
As much as I like "dinning," I'll report it. (The poor grammar and spelling were a red flag, too.)
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2018 03:14AM by crazyauntie.