Hello from Miami

Hi :-)

I am retired and discovered mystery shopping quite by accident a few months ago while trying to figure out how to lodge a complaint against a business. Since then, I have shopped for a number of firms and been reimbursed maybe close to $1000 total.

And I am really picky and don't do much of it. I do take things seriously (though not a "serious" person) so I did the MSPA Gold right after starting. I also bought video equipment but have not yet done a video shop (virtually identical to PV500 but under $100).

I am amazed at how much work there is in this field. Perhaps it is partly because Miami is primarily a Latin city and mystery shopping requires a good command of written English? Don't know. Is it like this all over?

ps: alfadog = Alfa (Romeo) + dog. No Alpha dog here ;-)
My interests are mainly involved with things that go Vroom Vroom. i am a private pilot, ride motorcycles, and you can guess my favorite car ;-)

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2017 04:45PM by alfadog.

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Welcome! You may want to check out with video MSCs whether or not your rig meets the minimum specs required by their clients. At that price, chances that it does seem very slim, in my 12 years of video MS experience.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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