Hello from Washington State

Hello everyone, ladies and gentlemen. smiling smiley My husband and I are doing Dave Ramsey next year, and I realized my medical bills make it impossible to fit it all in our budget. So here I am mystery shopping. I keep looking at the available shops in my area and I am very hopeful some new ones come up. How many times can I take pictures of fast food shops and order burgers? Ha ha.

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Welcome! For tons of tips on doing MS for profit and fun and more than burgers, amble on over to the New Mystery Shoppers area of the forum and read, read, read, the top 12 or so topics "pinned" to the top of the list there. Then look for the list of nearly 200 MS companies at the foot of the screen and sign up with 5 more per day whenever you have no shops but want some. In a short time you will find nice things like bank shops, oil changes, big box stores, and more!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Welcome. This forum really helped me. I signed up with every company on the list that has work in Canada, and found more work.
Dave Ramsey is great.... Where in Washington are you? I'm in Seattle.... There are lots of shops in the state - and I don't touch anything to do with fast food.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2017 09:49PM by MFJohnston.
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