New member Into Have questions

Hi Mystery Shoppers,

I appreciate the add to this forum. I'm Donna an old school shopper returning after 7 yrs. The Mystery Shopping
companies and payments have not changed much since I last shopped in 2010. Of course, companies want to send out shoppers with payment as low as possible. Most of the time though shops are 10.00$ so that's fair.

During hiatus I've been deactivated from Market Force, and they were my favorite. I like them due to direct deposit and the quick payments. The question is about a shopper score at 5. When I stopped shopping my score was at 8. On a scale of 1-10 five is kinda embarrassing. I think shopper score is just as important as certifications. When considered for offers, a 5 shopper score is substandard . My recent shop eval was 8. I wonder how many good evals it will take to bring score up? Anybody in this forum experience low shopper score problem and brought it back up? If so, please share your experience. I'd really appreciate the input.

That's my story and you're welcome to it!! lol Have a wonderful shop weekend!
Thank You,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2017 12:49AM by cdonnaj.

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When you are a new or returning shopper who had disaffiliated, it is standard to assign a temporary rating of 5. You future shop ratings can improve that as they become part of your average. Not to worry.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Yes It starting back up from the bottom.Things are starting to improve already. I'm hoping to travel in IL,IN,MO cities and do some audits, So, I have to improve the shoppers rating to qualify. It would be nice to mix work with pleasure. Do some audits then go to a casino and while there evaluate a high end restaurant! Seriously I'm on a mission!! lol btw your work seems interesting.TY for reply Have a nice day..

I was banned to never shop MF again, something (at that time) because I shopped Vegas, not even sure, but can't get back in and it's been years.....some just never forget but, I'm still around...

Live consciously....
Donna, why don't you email and explain you had taken a long break and are ready to start shopping again? You will probably get reintstated.
MF won't hesitate deactivating accounts. Many MS in this forum are posting similar experiences. I guess they have so many profiles for MS's,the inactive ones are weeded out sooner than later. It is what it is. I'm not going anywhere either lol.

Yes, I know, MF deactivates people for no reason (I have been around the forum for a long time), but there have been other shoppers who were inactive and got their accounts reinstated. If there were no other issues, you shouldn't have a problem getting reinstated. I have been with them since back when they were still Shop n Chek and I do about 30 shops a year for them now. Back in the day I did a lot more, but I have become pickier over the years.
Most of the MSC's I did assignments with 7 yrs back, had deactivated my account for inactivity. The MSC's I've emailed ask me to update my profile, and my account is reinstated. Best Mark was almost instant. The Best Mark staff are so friendly with their replies they made it easy.

With a bit of effort, my request for job assignments are accepted. Monday, I'll have earned $50. Not to bad for an old schooler! I'm waiting for a reply from MF. If they don't reinstate my account I guess I'm not the only one. A blast from the past is no big deal! lol When one door closes another will open.

Thank you for the feedback.The admin and members of this MS forum are so understanding and helpful. I like it here! Just like a bad penny I'll be back! Yall come back now ya hear? . lol

I'm fairly new to secret shopping. I've been working for MF for about 4 months and have been pleased. I've recently picked up a few more companies and have been told my rating was not good enough, but going to the website I can't find a place where the rating is even listed. Do all companies have a listed rating? And if so, how do I find it?? Thanks for any help.
@jet468 wrote:

I'm fairly new to secret shopping. I've been working for MF for about 4 months and have been pleased. I've recently picked up a few more companies and have been told my rating was not good enough, but going to the website I can't find a place where the rating is even listed. Do all companies have a listed rating? And if so, how do I find it?? Thanks for any help.

No, not all companies tell you what your rating is. Some companies post your rating. Others rate you but it is for their own use and they do not disclose the rating to you.
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