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Absolutely! Of course, the routes and shops and such might be more tricky but with the right apps and companies, stopping for free WiFi and such you could easily grab up a few shops each day. Suppose you picked up two $15-$20 shops a day that wouldn't take away from what you're doing... if you did 25 days worth out of a month, you could make an extra grand. The key would be knowing who has shops at what locations and where to eye ball for them. I would also suggest getting apps if you have a smart phone.

I work for the Census Bureau right now and it's been a bit of traveling but I'm usually gone 9am to 5pm and home. I can pick up 1 or 2 shops going to work and back and occasionally some pay great bonus money. Yesterday, I grabbed up a grocery shop for $30 and $10 in things. I was in and out in 20 minutes, maybe 15 more to report it. I got to take home all the goodies I needed for our grilled skewers tonight.

I occasionally see travel center mystery shops available. I guess the tricky part would be getting them submitted in a timely fashion if you are on a route with a deadline, because many MSCs want the reports submitted within 8-12 hours, and finding a place with good WiFi to do it on your laptop after the shop.
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