Hi, I'm new here!

I've been a Mystery Shopper for years but for the longest time I only worked for one company. I didn't have any idea how many there are. I've since joined about a dozen and a half. My only problem is I live in a rural area and there aren't a lot of chain stores/restaurants etc near me. I'll often spend 10-15 min. filling out a detailed profile only to find out that there are no shops for me. Anyone else have that problem? I live in NEPA- any suggestions about the companies I should join?? Thanks in advance..

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Hi - look at the list of companies at the bottom of the homepage and read the forum to get an idea of what companies are good. Have you joined jobslinger ? That will give you an idea of some companies around you. Which msc did you do most of your shops ?
Welcome here smiling smiley Just keep signing up. It's frustrating to sign up and find the company doesn't have work available but you never know when they might pick up a new client in your area.
I have worked for Marketforce for years. Being naive, I didn't even look for other companies to work for- I'd do a shop here and there but I didn't care. At the time, I was working a lot more at my job, watching my Grand daughter after school every day and on Saturdays so I just didn't have the time anyway. Now, my company has cut back on hours and my Grand daughter doesn't need as much so I'm ready to work for as many MSC's as I can. I've seen the list so I think I'll just start at the A's and work my way through. I'm reading the comments just to make sure I'm not wasting my time with some of them but I would CHEERFULLY accept any suggestions..lol
Welcome! You have come with the right attitude and getting a really good start. My suggestion is to head over to the New Mystery Shoppers area and be sure to read the top dozen or so topics that are "pinned" to the top of the list there. That will help with the "wider world" of MS that you are entering! Enjoy and thrive.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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