Greetings! Newbie here!

Hi all! I'm a on FB page where someone there recommended this forum to learn about mystery shopping and how to find the best companies. I have a FT job, but need extra income and hoping this is a way to do it without a traditional PT job.

Before I head over to the other pages here, is it reasonable to earn around $400-$500/month doing this? Or am I hoping for too much? I was thinking with the holidays coming up it may be more lucrative at least for the short term.


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I work part time doing maybe 3 or 4 jobs a week plus food reimbursements and do earn that.....sign with many
companies as you never know what will come along in your area. I suggest signing with The Source for food reimbursement and Business Verification, they pay twice a month, and are super easy to work for.

Live consciously....
Thank you, Irene. I appreciate the response. It gives me hope that this may be the right PT job for me. I saw the list of companies and was overwhelmed by the number of them. I hope applying for them isn't too cumbersome.
I signed with many starting, however have dropped many and found a handful of "Boutique" companies I work monthly for and have built relationships does take time to sort it out. Just jump in and learn.

Live consciously....
Hi Molly, it's best to just start out by applying with two or three a day, then before you know it you have gotten through the list. Marketforce and The Source (formerly Trendsource) are some good starter companies.
In addition to companies mentioned above, I would also recommend Ipsos. How much you make per month depends on how many shops are available in your area. Start slowly until you get a feel for writing the reports. Once you're comfortable with it, $400-500 a month part-time is very doable.

Read the "New Mystery Shoppers" area (link is below). You'll find out how to track your shops and pay.

Lots of luck!
Again, thanks for the replies. I did some reading here and will continue. There's a lot to learn, so I'm still applying to traditional PT jobs since an extra paycheck is the goal. smiling smiley

ChrisCooper, I heard of Ipsos before, possibly from the gal on FB. I'll apply there and 2-3 others per day as recommended by JASFLALMT.

I'm so excited to get started!
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