hello there i am new here my name is Glen Fuller

market force is having a problem with my email address is there a way to get them to except it

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If they're having a problem they excepted it already. They sometimes take time to accept it.
thank you on that ( and the other issues that you all have brought up have been handled as well)

There is the link to your post where you have your email address posted. You can click on the "edit" button and take it out easily.
Marketforce only emails me when I have accepted a shop. At one time I had signed up to be notified when shops are coming up. But my email provider did not like the mass emails sent from Mktfrc so it blocked them. And then Mktfrc decided that since the emails were bouncing back to them that I was no longer interested in doing the work for them. That almost cost me $320 for that week. I had a lot of bonused shops set up. Man, was I hot and bothered when I couldn't log in to report the shops. It took about three hours to get that fixed. And since then they have been my go-to guys. I think that I have only seen a couple of days when they do not have shops that you can do today or later in the week. And, that is usually at the end of the month for not having shops on the same day as searched.
@Glen Fuller wrote:

I am a newbie at this and I hope I am not going to waist my time with it
I hope we are not going to waste (notice correct spelling), with you.

Live consciously....
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