Hey, hey, hey!
My name is Stephanie B. I recently quite my job to focus on things I love! So here I am. I am looking for a company that focuses on phone and or web audits. My current average rating is an 8 out of 10 and I am certified. My background spans over the course of 3 years and includes a variety of experience in the following areas, restaurants (fast food and fine dining), parking facilities, financial institutions, fitness centers, auto companies, big box retailer audits, storage facilities, hotels and more. My goal is to focus on in store audits as well as phone shops in the auto/web and or real estate space. I also come with a boat load of referrals ;-). I coach new small business owners on ways to utilize Mystery Shopping to help save money, while they build their business.
I look forward to connecting!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2017 08:37PM by LiveACreatedLife.