New To The Forum

Hello everyone, I am excited to get started. I do understand that perhaps there may be lag time from the beginning. I found the company by a young lady that has a business helping, with information regarding "Work From Home". I really was interested in "Scheduling", as this wa a position at the time, that may have been available for consideration. I am 66 years of age,so there are be shopping venues, that I may not be of interested for me at this time in life. So, Hello and hope to be contacted soon!!!!!!! Rea T.

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Not sure if you want to be a scheduler or a shopper....but age is not a problem....

Live consciously....
There may be a misunderstanding, you wrote that you found "the company" but you realize we are not a company? We are a forum of mystery shoppers who share our experiences and learn from each other. If you want to become a mystery shopper, please do realize that there are 100s of companies out there. At the bottom of the page is a link that will take you to a list of companies. You can register with companies so that you will be contacted about shops or be able to look at their job boards and apply for shops. Also there is a link for new shoppers that is very helpful. Good luck and please come back to talk with the rest of us soon!
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