Been here awhile without introducing myself

Hi everyone. I've been on the forum for awhile and I thought it was about time to properly since you've all helped me so much.

I'm in upstate NY now but started mystery shopping six years ago on Long Island. I'd made a banking transaction at my local branch and got a phone call that evening from the bank to see how I'd rate their customer service. At the end of her call she said I was really helpful and would I consider working for the company that did their market research. All I knew about mystery shopping then was that it was mostly a scam (or so I thought). Anyway, she contacted them and Maritz called me. That lead to a 100 or so bank shops before I moved off of LI and came to upstate. I thought there were no opportunities around here, but the forum showed me how wrong I was. I'm on target this month to make more money, more easily, than ever before. So thank you fellow shoppers!

I'm almost a 'senior' shopper. No motorcycle shops for me next year! I'm married and really enjoy the acting part of performing shops.I love the freedom of making my own schedule and talking to associates, coworkers, team members, crew members and even, gasp, schedulers!

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Welcome! Don't worry, there are tons of shops for senior shoppers!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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