Hello, I'm Charlie Brown..... I did mystery shopping a number of years ago... a great number of years... Looks like things have changed.. I hope for the better.
Welcome and don't be disappointed, things haven't changed much as to fees on the uprise...NOT Enjoy, and since your a old pro, I'm sure you need no advice.
Hi Charlie Brown, you say a number of years, then you probably remember when everything was done via US mail with filling out paper forms. When I started in 2001, many MSCs did it that way. It sure did change quickly. It's soooo much easier now!!!
STOP posing as the owner/creator of this forum and/or its contents. You are a pretender, and a scam artist (Google IUPU) ... no one should pay any attention to you.
OMG no, no, I'm sorry about that, I'm trying to direct my comments at scammer @#$%& but must have hit the wrong "Reply" button .... Copeland is dangerous...