Hi all!

Hi, I'm Emmice. I'm new to this. I had been signed up with mystery shops for years, but hadn't completed any shops. Last year I did a couple with Field Agent. Ive been looking for something to do, which will be a good fit for a sahm. So, I'm going to get more involved with mystery shopping. If you have any recommendations for kid friendly shops, please let me know? Also, is there a topic on mapping? Nice to meet you all!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2017 07:58AM by Emmice.

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Hi Emmice! Welcome to the forum and thank you for joining us. Be sure and check out the New Mystery Shoppers board for bunches of useful information. I have not seen a topic on mapping. I just use google maps the old fashioned way. You can try using the search function though... you never know what might turn up.
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