My Curious Journey

Well, my path in mystery shopping has taken plenty of twists and turns.. Somehow I found and attended an MSPA workshop years ago, getting my gold cert. While I tried a few companies, very little stuck so I ended up in field inspections. (Another story, another time..)

One MSC that I build a long, mutually beneficial relationship was TrendSource. Despite minor hiccups over the years I only have good things to say about these folks. They are definitely still the industry standard.

Fast forward to a few years after I had worked mostly in field inspections. I got the idea that I'd teach others how to get into this lucrative work. Realizing that most mystery shoppers work really hard to get paid very little for their assignments, I reached out to Pam of IMSC. She sponsored my first talk where I introduced shoppers to this alternative.

Ironically, I started doing more mystery shopping AFTER speaking and teaching a couple of workshops about field inspections. A few years ago my car died, and I also started to focus on content marketing work (creating videos and article writing for small businesses).

Through the ups & downs of radically changing my work / life mystery shopping has kept me fed. So, I am so grateful to have met the folks who make up the IMSC community.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of this. You can find me on YouTube as both FieldRep101 and my agency, Bush Pilot Marketing. Here's to your success!

Make More with Less Effort

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2017 12:20AM by fieldrep101.

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Welcome. Hope you will contribute more here!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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