Hi from Upstate NY

Hi all! I'm a new shopper from Upstate NY. I've been shopped back when I was a server at a national chain restaurant. Now I'm a mom, and excited to get a little "me" time while mystery shopping. Time to save up for a vacation!

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Hello and welcome!
Im from upstate NY as well. I have been shopping for almost 2 years.
How upstate are you guys? I am in NY too.... way upstate. lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2017 11:57AM by lucky7s.
Western, southern, central ny?

That may be the best way to describe.
I shop near 81/86, mostly the western side.
What city to be more exact? Cause you really can't be in Buffalo (western) Syracuse (Central) and NYC (Southern) all, at the same time. If you are worry about competition, there may or may not be enough shops going around.. I am willing to share. smiling smiley
Watertown area. When I put in a 20 mile radius on the MSC maps, half the stuff I get back is in Canada!
Where are you?
I am Binghamton, Ithaca, Elmira area.

Thats what I meant by western (west of 81), southern (PA border), central (not too far East or West). Maybe fingerlakes is better, but still a broad area.
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