Hello , from the bluegrass state

I'm anxious to get started with trendsource, can anyone give a newcomer some helpful advice? I never worked a job like this one before.

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Did you already sign up?. Check their job board and select a job to try. Read and follow directions carefullt!

Check out the new users section here
My advice would be to take one assignment only and never-mind how long it takes to get it just right. Go over everything on your report a couple of times (take a break in between reviews) and then submit it and wait until it has been approved. Then, sign up for as many as you can and be the "number one son" in your area and you can do VERY well with this company.
I have done a variety of shops with Trendsource. They are a great company to work with. Schedulers are very accessible and questions are addressed promptly. Only warning - READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! I've found that very important instructions can be listed in unrelated parts of their shop guidelines.
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