Bare International is a global firm dedicated to helping businesses worldwide deliver excellence, increase sales, enhance customer loyalty, train and retain their most valuable employees, and improve their overall competitive edge. Headquartered in the Washington DC metro area and with five full-service locations worldwide, Bare is uniquely positioned to deliver the results of over 30,000 professionally-conducted mystery customer evaluations and quality audits every month in over 137 countries and in dozens of industries.
¡Fairfax, Virginia - North America
¡Antwerp, Belgium - Europe, Africa, Russia
¡Sao Paulo, Brazil - Latin and South America
¡Shanghai, China - Asia and Pacific
¡Mumbai, India - India and Middle East
¡Santiago, Chile- South America
Industries we serve worldwide include:
¡Hotel, Resort and Casino
¡Grocery / FMCG
¡Health and Wellness
¡Golf course and Country Clubs
¡Housing: New Homes, Property Management
¡Automotive: Sales and Service
¡Consumer Electronics
¡Many More!
We are now accepting registrations for new independent mystery shoppers worldwide. For more information, please contact us at or visit our website at and click the EVALUATORS tab to register as a mystery shopper.