Glad to be on board

I just found this site today. I must say, this is the most 'legitimate' appearing set up I've seen to date. I've been interested in mystery shopping for a while, but never knew which way to go. Thanks to this site, I have signed up with two different companies:

Secret Shopper

Are those good ones? I hope so.

Anyway, glad to be here, and I hope to learn a lot.

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Welcome to the forum! Both companies you have signed up with are good, solid companies. They have relatively little in my area so, for example, it has been several years since I worked with Secret Shopper. There are a lot of other legitimate companies out there to work with as well!
I work for Secret Shopper and like them and their jobs. There are many starting companies where you'll get your feet wet, and move up, start with who has jobs in your area, and branch out.

Live consciously....
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