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Hi. I am new here. Did my first shop last night. I have been a stay at home mom for 2 years watching kids in my home. Prior to that I was a teacher but got laid off. I am wondering if I take my son to drop-in care and fill my plate w/ shops if I could make enough to survive. I haven't been able to find a teaching job. Does anyone devote full-time to shopping and approximately how much can you make? thanks.

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Welcome to the forum!

Your question is very difficult to answer because shops and shopping vary so much around the country. As a general rule of thumb, it is very difficult to make a living doing shops. The pay is generally fairly low, the pay tends to be fairly slow and to do enough shops to make a living at it you also will need money to front for required purchases that will be reimbursed. While you could spend time at home with your son searching for work, I suspect that the drop in care would eat much of your profitability very quickly.

These days there is a lot of shopper competition for a reduced number of clients being shopped. IF you happen to be in an area where there is not a lot of shopper competition, and IF there are a lot of companies shopping your area, and IF you are able to set up routes of shops then it might make sense to put your son in care for a few hours while you perform them, pick him up and head home to do reports.

There are folks on this forum who DO make a living doing shops. They tend to spend a lot of time on the road and do a lot of shops out of their normal community. I am on the edge of a small city with 6 communities beyond that in my 'shopping area'. I do those jobs that I see that make financial sense and in an average month that is $1000-$1200 with about half of that being reimbursements for money I have spent for things I found useful. It works for me because I am retired so have the freedom and flexibility to work when I please and limited goals of what will actually be paid for out of shopping proceeds. Luckily my living expenses are low, so the $500-600 of actual fees earned goes a long way to cover my living expenses that were not financed by reimbursements. (I've never seen a shop that would reimburse me for my mortgage or utility bills or health insurance, etc.)
Hi madrex5. I'm sorry to hear of your job loss.

I use mystery shopping to supplement the household budget with the fees I earn. The reimbursement shops help save money (gas stations, grocery stores, oil changes, restaurants, etc.) Depending upon the amount of time I have each month to mystery shop, I make $150-$500 in fees and about the same in reimbursements. Personally, I would not attempt to make a living by mystery shopping, unless I had no other options.

I hope your first shop went well!
Hi All,

I just stumbled across this website and I'm really excited! This seems like a fabulous resource and support. Up until now I've been going solo and learned alot since I started in November of 2009. So far so good. I'm trying to build a reputation in the industry for being a reliable and professional shopper. That means that there's nothing I won't consider trying at least once. I haven't done shops that pay less than a $10.00 fee. Usually there's a reimbursement involved. I just recently found out that some fees are negotiable. When I get a phone call its usually because they're desperate to fill a spot. I live in a rural area where doing Panera shops isn't popular so I've been able to get a decent fee with reimbursement.

I am spending a lot of effort and energy on the reports. I hope it gets easier at some point. If I consider the time it takes me to prepare for the shop, travel to get there, and time spent on the report it isn't a profitable operation yet. I have learned alot and enjoyed doing the shops. I am looking at this like an investment in the future. I read somewhere that if you get certified and known in the industry, more and better shop options become available. So far the benefits outweigh the costs. Who knows what the future can bring?

Lets keep the faith!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Krystal4. When I found this forum, I had shopped a few months, like you. I did okay, but just okay. I have learned so much here, and just as important, now am part of a community. We share all sorts of experiences. Hopefully, now that you've found us, you'll have time to read and share.
Hi Mert,
Thanks for the welcome. I am looking foreward to learning more about this community. Sounds like a cool place.
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