Hello From Sacramento

Good day everyone,

Since I have found this site, I might as well try to learn about mystery shopping. I recently signed up to MSPA and received my silver certificate. I have not gone to any shops yet. I would like to know more about companies that pay in less than 30 days. Any ideas?

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everytime i hit member introductins, i get a list of different people, who do i talk to to learn this job?
You don't 'talk' to anyone. You can read through the 'sticky' threads at the top of the New Mystery Shopper section of the forum, you can read through the threads about different issues that come up in shopping, you can read about shopper experiences and opinions of various companies. This really is a 'do it yourself' experience of reading for what you need and asking questions you have that you aren't finding answers for.

This being said, welcome to the forum!
Hello mstboneyard and welcome to the forum. There are a number of companies that pay in less than thirty days. However, some are reimbursement shops and some are fees. Without knowing if you have determined which are most interesting and beneficial to you, I would encourage you to begin reading the different sections of this forum. I could list MSPs that have recently paid me in less than thirty days, but they may not have anything in your area, or shops you would be interested in completing. It's not one-size-fits-all.

Finding this forum, reading and participating, will be a huge benefit to you if you choose to mystery shop. Have you found shops in your area yet? That's the first step. After that, read shoppers' opinions here of the MSPs or clients you're interested in. The information you read here can help you make good decisions, and avoid pitfalls.
Thanks Mert for the input. I am looking forward to working the shops for a few years. I work three days a week, but have 4 no-income producing days left in the week. My goal is to make 300-500 per week. Do this seem possible or am I dreaming? Lol.
By the way, what up flash? I have been reading some of the threads on the mystery shopper forum. I have a excel copy for organizing my shops and other info to help set things up right the first time. I want to try a little of everything to see what I am good at. Any ideas on fast money to reinvest in other shops?
There really are no easy 'one size fits all' answers for that. Generally the companies that pay in 2-3 weeks either pay very low fees or are companies that just don't offer that much work in any given area. And while the low fee shops generally also have low out of pocket expense to be reimbursed, when the dust settles you really don't have that much more than you started with.

Probably the best way to build your shopper kitty is a well balanced mix of fee only and fee + reimbursement shops. Bank shops are an example of fee only shops, as are cell phone shops, apartment shops and other opportunities mentioned in forum conversations. Fee + reimbursement shops run the gamut and the 'bests deals' out there are shops where you need to purchase something you needed to buy anyway. So, for example, last week the garden hose got run over by the lawnmower and cut. Two choices--go buy a new one or mend the old one. There was a home improvement shop that paid $8 and reimbursed $2 that I could have picked up a hose mender. There was a hardware store paying $8 and reimbursing $5. I took the later and today purchased a replacement hose for $5.99 plus tax with a coupon. I do a lot of grocery shops--I need to buy groceries anyway. I have also done snack shops this month, which are pretty much a waste because I don't need and really don't much want the snacks. Because the shopper kitty has grown, we can do a lot of reimbursement eating out without straining the household budget. But getting the kitty established either takes some seed money or systematically putting fees and reimbursements that were out of your own pocket into it for a while.
Mstboneyard, yours is an ambitious goal, for sure. On a good month, I can make that in fees, but every month may not be a 'good' month. Regardless of how hard I beat the bushes, it's not an amount that can be depended upon. I am not able to complete as many shops as others. My life and schedule have only a certain amount of time, also variable. You don't indicate if your "4 no-income producing days" are by choice or necessity. Certainly, shoppers who can shop upwards of 7 days a week would earn more.

So, you've become silver certified and haven't shopped yet? I'm assuming you believed the silver certification would help pave the way. Please read the forum, sign up with MSPs, apply and complete shops BEFORE spending more money. Many, many shoppers have successfully worked for years without spending money for certifications, or companies promising pie in the sky shops if you pay a fee. All the information and assistance you need to mystery shop is here, free.
Hi if you live in a city like were i live in houston texas its possible you can make that kind of money per week 4 car shops per day is 100 dallors.
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