Hi to you all! Well i give mystery shopping a try since i like customer service and learn ways to improve that on the market and i Have to say that i liked my first experience!
And...yes... I made mistakes on my first try hehe
I was evaluating the service focus on a specific exclusive brand. I search the price range on that brand items before because i knew they were going to ask what was my budget but unfortunetly i didnt found any prices. It always refers me to a store that sells the brand. And, what happend? They ask me for my budget and i threw a random one (3,500$) and i got short and they start to show me other brands etc etc... And the end i manage to get almost everything that i wass needing but im not sure if my report its going to fill the expectations. I will know when i receive the payment xD
Update: All went good!!! 1st sucessful assignment!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2017 06:44PM by sapienserrante.