The New Kid (until people appear above me)!

Hello, I'm Torie from Wisconsin! I've always loved to write reviews, usually more of the positive type. My reviews are truthful ... but also sarcastic and with attempts at humor. Can anyone tell me where we get the brown paper bags to wear over our heads as we do our shops ... mysteriously? Please bear with me as I try to figure everything out here; looking forward to this community and all it has to offer!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2017 09:48PM by VRDuda.

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The hardest part for me is actually waiting for people to ask me questions or make me offerings as I tend to know what I want and how I like it. I find it hard not to automatically say thank you after I order or pay, when they want to know what the other person said first. I'm working on this. I prefer revealed shops to mystery shops for this reason.
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