Jewelry shop? but cannot find MS company - Help :/

SO Embarrassed to ask.... but I have a shop scheduled today for a Zales jewelry shop in a NJ mall.
I have searched my inbox a zillion times, and Cannot Find the Company to download my paperwork.
This was self assign for me, with a New Company. I looked through my regular 40 companies with no luck.

Now I am past embarrassment, and on to desperation.
I had a route of my regular jobs scheduled around it.

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If you take the client out of your post, you may get some replies. Diamond or Engagement jewelry store would suffice.
It's a shame that you didn't keep a log of the shops that you self assign or used an appointment book with the name of the MSC and the shop type written down. Never assume that you can remember all of the MSC/shops that you scheduled on so an so days. Some people might use they phones as a reminder for shops but your phone might be having some technical difficulties so where would that leave you when you need to do your shops? Just saying.
They may have removed it from your shop log, but if you check your email, you might have an overdue noticed from the company. If so, you may still be able to go and reschedule.

Take out the store name so someone can answer you with a few MSCs who do jewelry shops. I'm pretty sure I know which company it is but it's a violation of our IC agreements and the forum rules to link the name of the MSC and client in the same thread.
I found the least expensive, smallest (5mm), pearl earrings at Zales cost 10x the $8 fee offered for the assignment. I would offer to walk into the store, look around for cleanliness and look to see if the cases were fully stocked for $8.
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