Hi! I'm new to the Mystery Shopping experience and have spent hours reading through the different forums that are here. Thanks to Everyone,there are lots of great suggestions, ideas, experiences etc.
I do have a question about "risk" - i.e. You pay for everything upfront and "if" your report is accepted you'll be reimbursed for the total amount that you spent.
The shop I'm referring to, required an overnight stay at one of the "Trump" hotels. The shop required you to visit 6 specific outlets in the hotel. 3 bars, 2 breakfast buffets, & 1 deli during your stay.
I figured I could put as much as $500 on my folio with the risk of my report not being accepted.
So I decided I didn't need the stress or the $75 shop pay to risk $500. OBTW - the reports had to all be written in the 3rd person (as did the narrative on their application ) where I'd be the guest and all others that I came in contact with were the associates ! What's with that !?! Any insight would be appreciated !
BTW I'm in south Florida....