Hello, and a quick question

Hi! I learned about mystery shopping fairly recently and I've decided to give it a shot and see if I'm cut out for it. I don't see it as becoming a source of "real" income (though you never know) for me, but I'm always down for a bit of a deal or discounted meal out.
I've signed up for three companies - I think. I filled out applications for Market Force, Martiz, and Intellishop. I can log into Intellishop and view jobs in my area. However, I was never asked to set a Market Force password or a Martiz username, so I'm not able to log in to my account, assuming I even have accounts with them. Is this because my applications are still being considered? I only filled them out yesterday, so I'm hoping that this is the problem.
I'm so glad that I discovered this forum. I've already learned a lot about the basics of mystery shopping just from reading the stickies.

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For MF you should have gotten a Welcome email from them that contained your userid and password. I received it the same day I signed up. It could be that MF has changed their new user registration procedure. They are in the process of updating their website. You could try emailing them although they are often very slow to respond.

BTW - Welcome to mystery shopping.
MF was one of the longest applications for me, and I didn't get accepted for several days.
MF emails you your credentials (be sure to check junk mail folders) and I am pretty sure Maritz did too. Just as a heads up the majority of Maritz shops when you are new are scheduled by phone. In fact, I'm not even sure if they let you apply for a shop online if you haven't done one with them yet. (I'm not sure to be honest). And if you are in an area they shop, they will call...a lot.
Thank you all. Still no word from Market Force; I'll give them an email tomorrow if Im still waiting.
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