New in Northwestern Connecticut

Hellooo from the woods here in NW CT. New but quickly learning the ropes in this industry. I find that I am more interested in doing field inspections for residential and businesses. Can anymore give me some advice as to companies I can look into signing with that might be better for this area? I would love to use a few different ones to develop a route as my nearest city is at least 20 mins away.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer to me!

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Welcome. Field inspections generally do not lend themselves to making long routes. They tend to pop up one or two at a time and you have to make appointments, which may not be on the same day. For making routes people tend to start with convenience stores, gas stations, and add in a few "misc" like banks or retail, to fill out a long day. That may mean negotiating with several MSCs to make a profitable day route, so getting established with many MSCs may be critical to success.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Thank you for that information. I am trying to supplement unemployment and was hoping that if that runs out, I could make ends meet with this type of work. The job market is horrible here in Connecticut.

I was wondering if anyone who really works hard and signs up with a lot of companies does make ends meet or is this type of work more considered a supplemental type of income.
Yes, there are many threads about what it takes to make a living at this. First, any day that you want a shop but do not have one, it is your job to sign up with 5 more MSCs from the list of well over 100 at the bottom of the page.

Most shoppers who want to stay busy are signed up with 100-150 MSCs.

Write and save, two different writing samples to use when those are required: one for a fictional dining experience and one for a retail experience. Remember, of course: strictly objective reporting is required. We are not in the "gottcha" business.

Read, read, read, over at the New Mystery Shoppers area of the forum.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2017 04:52PM by walesmaven.
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. I look forward to reading and seeing what I may be able to accomplish with this direction which I am looking to take. I am also thrilled that this forum exists that helps us newbies to learn the ropes. As with anything, starting out is usually the most confusing time and I really appreciate the masters of the trade with their help answering repetitive questions and continuing to be a part of this community.
Hey, AllieEm! Greetings from this former "Connecticut Yankee." I was born and raised in Seymour, and lived in New Milford for about six years, but have lived in Florida for the last 24 years. No advice to offer--just a friendly greeting. Stay safe with your nor'easter; your weather is one of the primary reasons why I moved to Florida! Good luck to you!
Thank you! Hope you are enjoying Florida. We are in the middle of a good Northwest CT snow storm. No biggie, just snow that, get this, is going to melt in a few days. LOL.
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