Reseaching Secret/Mystery Shopper email

Just recieved an email recruiting mystery shoppers. Having done mystery shopping 25 or so years ago, we are not new to the concept or process. Just want to know it this is a legitimate opperation. I am posting some "links" from the email. Please respond to

MSPA Application 2017 @ All Right Reserved.
("Welcome to Job-Available"winking smiley
To: bex.b@null.netWelcome To Our Program @ Secret Shopper!

17 Years old or above.
Can speak local language well.
Can read and write English.
No Experience needed Like Shopping.

Job Descriptions:
You Will be Assigned to visit a shop
You Will then finish an on-line questionnaire to Share with us
your customer experience.

Please_reply this-email with the correct information below to
Sign up;

Full-Name :
Full-A.d.d.r.e.s.s :
State,CityZip :
A.g.e :
P.h.o.n.e.s :
G.e.n.d.e.r :
Current-Job :

Most of the time you will only need to spend 20 Minutes on the
You will get $380 for each assignment.

As soon As your application has_been accepted for processing, We
will Send you details about the next step.

Team Recruitments
MSPA Application 2017 @ All Right Reserved.

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They are paying at the rate of $1,140 per hour ($380 for 20 minutes). Need I say more?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2017 07:59PM by ChrisCooper.
@modelavicky wrote:

Just recieved an email recruiting mystery shoppers. Having done mystery shopping 25 or so years ago, we are not new to the concept or process. Just want to know it this is a legitimate opperation. I am posting some "links" from the email. Please respond to

You've shopped previously and you are "not new to the concept or process," but you think this email sounds reasonable enough that you want to know if it is legitimate? In a word, NO.
As I stated, our experience was 25 or so years ago. Haven't done any since. Things change, and yes, I do have the common sense to solicite opinions from you who are current with the business. Sorry if I inconvienced any of you who are so much more atuned to me at this time. If I have inconvienced or offended you, I will move on to something else. I;m sure there are other organizations out there with basically the same information as this one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2017 10:17PM by modelavicky.
It's a common scam, lots of people have fallen for that email. Generally they will send you a fake check that you deposit and ask you to wire most of the money to them (you keep 10% or maybe 20%). At first your bank thinks it's real because they are really good fakes, but then it gets sent on to the bank it was drafted on and you are in the hole big time and so is your financial worthiness.

The email you were sent is full of errors. A reputable mystery shopper would not send out something as unprofessional as that email. Also, it would be sent from a company domain. For example, there is a mystery shopping company known as Intelli-shop. Emails coming from someone who works for Intelli-shop is going to have the individual's name and then afterwards.

No one is inconvenienced or offended. Keep in mind that the average mystery shop pays about $15 per job, some more, some less. If you are doing a covert video shop with a bonus attached you might get a couple of hundred bucks for one assignment.

There is a list of companies at the bottom of this page that are reputable and not part of any check scams. If you want to complete mystery shops, check out the new shoppers section at the bottom of the page and use the company list to sign up with companies.

I am really glad you posted your question in here before falling victim to any scams. Good luck.
You're welcome. I hope the forum members have made it completely clear to you that it would not be reasonable for a legitimate company to solicit a complete stranger via e-mail with an offer to pay $380 for a 20-minute assignment.
Thanks for the latter posts. You all are correct in your assessment about the offer of $380/20 minutes...although, with Dr's, Lawyers, et al, charging $200 for a phone call or reviewing a letter, or office call, etc., anything is 'possible' these days. Even $120-150 per hour for putting a diagnostic computer on your automobile, which takes 15-20 minuts (generally, but you may be charged for up to an hour), seems out of reason to me, and I have been involved with that industry first hand.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2017 12:25AM by modelavicky.
But consider that a business professional is not going to send out an unprofessional letter frought with errors and not give full legitimate contact information in closure, not to mention that the email would also come from the business domain...
Modela, If you hang around here at all, you'll get used to some of the snarky remarks made by people who think it's appropriate to basically call you an idiot for asking a "dumb" question. I'm glad you asked and glad you got some good, sound advise.

Mystery Shopper since 1998; Author of Make Money Mystery Shopping available on Amazon in the Kindle Store.
Yikes! A real once in a lifetime job opportunity that is just too good to be true. Run very quickly away from this one. Scam beyond belief.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2017 12:57AM by Iguana.
@iamloved1 wrote:

Modela, If you hang around here at all, you'll get used to some of the snarky remarks made by people who think it's appropriate to basically call you an idiot for asking a "dumb" question. I'm glad you asked and glad you got some good, sound advise.
I did not see anywhere in this thread where any forum member called the OP an idiot. Why are you trying to stir up trouble with YOUR snarky accusations?

BTW, this is my first post in this thread so you can not blame me for this one. smiling smiley
I get letters all the time like this.......SCAM ! RED FLAG !
I actually let one send me a check to see what it looked like. For laughs I called the bank it was drawn on and the lady there said they get several a week and all they are good for is trying to use them to retread a car tire !!!
Don't let some opinions shake your fortitude. Yes, it is a scam, mystery shopping is not paying that well since 25 years ago...but you had the right to ask and it was a legitimate question. Stop being so hard guys!
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