Hi! Everyone

Just a note to say hi. I am a full time mystery shopper, merchandiser, auditor, demonstrator. Yes, one can make a full time income at this if they are willing to use a broad approach. It doesn't hurt either to be retired, with a retirement income and social security. Even so the extra money makes it all worthwhile and I enjoy traveling around doing my assignments. Oh, yes and I don't take on jobs requiring me to be a w-2 part time or full time employee to work for them. Strictly independent contractor or not at all. I bounced PayPal as a payment processor because of recurring issues taking up too much of my time to jump through their continual hoops to maintain an active account.

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Hi Wes229, and welcome to the forum! I'm fascinated by your statement that there were hoops to jump through with PayPal. I have 2 accounts with them, both basic. One I use for work, the other I use for eBay purchases & sales (long and totally irrelevant story). At one time the eBay account PayPay was very active. It has been virtually dormant for 5+ years. On two occasions there have been hacking attempts on it that have frozen it with proper notice to me to reverify and change passwords. I have had no such issues with my work account.
Hello Wes229smiling smiley Regarding difficulties with PayPal, I use two accounts for shopping and miscellaneous without problem. But, other shoppers have posted their displeasure and difficulties. It could be informative, if you have the time, to share specifics with us.
It is difficult for me to imagine what they need all that for. Did you just apply for an everyday account or some other type?

I have had my account since PP's inception. When something goes wrong, they can be difficult to deal with. I haven't had anything like this happen, but I did have an issue with an non-delivering bay seller and they took 30 days to "investigate." Before they were done I had already gotten the cash by telling the seller I was suing him. Also, I use their debit card for shopping and sometimes they freeze my account based upon a bunch of small purchases. Then to get it unfrozen, it involves long wait times on hold with an entity outside of PP.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I don't mess with the debit card but rather just transfer the cash to a low balance savings account from which I can move the money instantly to my checking account. The accounts are linked so that there is overdraft protection from checking but not from savings, so PayPal cannot reclaim transferred funds without interacting with me.
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