Court Research question

Hi. I'm new to this and have signed up with several companies, one that collects jobs from other companies. They have listed jobs for Court Research with a company jbs, and you need a laptop to do this one. Does anyone know anything about this type of job and the company. I would really appreciate any info.

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We have had previous discussions of these jobs and this company you may want to use the search feature to read about. I have not performed any of these jobs but in reading the material from several companies doing them, my impression is that I would not be making anything near minimum wage, especially after I paid for parking near the courthouse. I have a friend who burned out on mystery shopping doing court records for another firm--the first few trips to the courthouse there was a ton of work and it took forever because she did not have the hang of it yet. Then there was a slow trickle so she was just spinning her wheels for nothing to go back time and time again.
Thanks. I didn't know, and living in a very rural & small town area(have walmart and some local mom/pop type stores) I am limited on doing MS.
pamarb, your location may or may not make it more financially rewarding for you than it has been for others. I have never done this court research work, although I know people here in Austin who have. Their experience mirrors what Flash said. But if you live very near the county courthouse, if parking is free and plentiful, if visiting the courthouse is an "easy in-easy out" and if there are no others doing this in your county, it might be worth exploring. Here in Austin and most other places, I would say it probably would be VERY hard to make any money.
AustinMom, Thanks for the info. I think I am going to try it, or at least begin by signing up with the company offering the assignment. I suppose if it turns out to not be worth it, I won't have lost anything by trying.
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