Hi folks. Newbie from Alberta Canada

Have only been shopping for a month but have completed several shop and I'm having a blast. I'm a semi retired senior and decided to enter the world of mystery shopping to earn a little pin money and it also fills in some empty days. Do you guys ever meet with each other to have coffee talk about your shops? I do have a question though. Does anybody ever use a audio/video device to help with difficult assignments? Just glad to be aboard and looking forward to your comments.

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I have met many, many shoppers at shopper conferences, but just a few in my local area.

Many shoppers use audio recording to help with shops. Just be sure that you know what Canadian or local laws have to say about that. In some US states audio recording requires the prior consent of all parties to the conversation.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi, I am from Alberta. I have never met a mystery shopper in person but would love a mystery shopper meet up. Not likely I'll ever travel to a conference.
I have used the recorder on my phone. I think we are allowed to record a conversation we are part of. I used the recording to do my report and then deleted it.

Mostly I used the recording for back up. It takes too long to listen too. Reading the quick notes on my phone is quicker.
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