Let's get to know each other!

Hi, everyone! This forum is gathered a huge MS community. I just wonder who are all those people here, where are you from? How long have you been Mystery Shopping yet? Is it a job for you or a hobby?

As for me, I'm from Ukraine. I've been Mystery Shopping for a while, when being a student, but in Ukraine, the assignments are extremely boring and not profitable (around 40 - 80 UAH) which equals 1,5$ - 3$ for a big amount of work. I've done this just because it was interesting to me how all this work. Later, I've found a job in an international MS company Lagom Int. in Warsaw, Poland. and grew to a Project Manager so far. I love my job and great people who I get to know in different countries through Mystery Shopping. I enjoy reading their angry or funny questionnaires and to get friends through my work.

What about you?

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I've been mystery shopping for less than a year. I'm in the US in the NE, not to be confused with Nebraska smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2017 01:20PM by eyelove2shop.
I've been mystery shopping for 24 years now and for me it's both a hobby and a source of income. It's fun and I tend to have some odd adventures while out on shops. If you do a search you'll see some of what I've encountered.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Wow, that's really impressive! I'm sure you have much of stories behind. I think it would be great to share such stories and share the experience.

For me, the oddest project I had to launch and manage as a project manager in MS company, was the one, where the Shopper had to steal something in the shop to evaluate the security system.

I'm just interested in this field and as I'm not communicating now much with the Shoppers now but with the clients, which is much more boring and formal. I'd absolutely love to hear the stories!
Over the years I have out-run horny goats, tangled with a Somalian drag queen, worn the fall out of a dumping garbage truck and found a dead body in the shrubbery. There are a ton of additional stories too.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Hey cettie, how's that book coming along? It would make a great read for funny MS stories. I have been doing MS for about 4 years to help supplement my income. I work the night shift at my regular job and tried to get an additional part-time job but most employers want open availability. My only regret was that I did not do MS sooner. I could have started doing some MSing when my kids were in elementary school and I was a full time stay at home mom.
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