New from Thousand Oaks CA

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Welcome to the forum. Computer skills are necessary for mystery shopping, so this is a good time to develop them.
Ty yes and hope I can do better I have questions on how I can sign to companies couse truly I think I just got rob 3500.00 I did a assignment I im new at this never know there will be bad peple out there capable of robbing well I just find out my first assignment was a fraud if any one can help me on how can learn how to sign into the companies
Am I correctly understanding that you were sent a check for $3500 to do an 'assignment' and then send the rest of the money on to someone else? If you have not sent the rest of the money to someone else, do NOT do it. You are being scammed. The check will bounce and you will be responsible for the money. If you have not cashed the check, do not deposit it. This is not at all what mystery shopping is about. It is a scam to steal from you. There is legitimate mystery shopping but it will never send you money BEFORE you do the work.
I wish I could have found this forum before
For this time it's to late already steal my money
Becouse of that I start looking and investiguering that's how I found this forum
I don't even know if I really been sign as mistery shopper maybe some one can help me couse I did all this staring with a email I got and response at it
Probably think I'm stupid I feel that way
No, you are not registered as a mystery shopper with a legitimate company. If you want to become a mystery shopper I would encourage you to read the threads pinned to the top of the New Mystery Shopper section of the forum because they will give you a lot of information about starting your business as a mystery shopper.
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