
I am retired, whatever that means, Actually I have not really worked all my life. When I was a teenager I thought it might be better to play records at parties instead of mowing lawns, but only when the band went on break. They loved me at the High School dances when I worked for free. 50 years later I still do a few parties a year. They called me a Disc Jockey even though I was not on the radio. Let's see, go to a party, eat their food, play some music, make people happy, The people give me complements all night and then they give me money. Sorry, that is not work but it pays well. Mystery shopping is about the same thing. I do restaurant shops (no fast food) $40 for lunch, up to $200 for dinner. Life is great!

You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want ..Zig Zigler

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Oh yeah! I enjoy the restaurant shops, too. Eat good food, write a good report, get reimbursed. Sure beats washing dishes.
I agree. I just did a great seafood resturant. My boyfriends like, "This is why I love you."
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