Hi my name is Rhonda. I have always been curious about mystery shopping. I'm going to be doing my first shops Monday. I hope I remember everything I'm suppose to ask!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2016 09:40PM by rkelly70.
Good luck and happy shopping, Rhonda! I am sure you wil do fine. Just make sure to read your guidelines and shop questions thoroughly before your shop.
Yes! Look at the bottom of this page and click on the new mystery shoppers link. Then read, read, read! Some thoughtful, wonderful forum members have compiled great tips and info to help out new shoppers. See you soon!
Oh yes...and you can text yourself names and other notes. I have an app for note taking as well. Some ppl record interactions on their cellphones to help write reports later but you need to check the laws for your state to make sure it's legal in yours.
Hi Rhonda, welcome. Good luck tomorrow! I get nervous every time I perform a shop for a new company I have never worked for before. It's like stage fright. I think it's good for the brain.