
Hi everyone!

My name is Lori and I live in Pennsylvania. I have been mystery shopping for 6 years. The past two years I have become more serious about MS and started signing up with more companies. I have lurked on the board for a couple of months and figured it was time to actually start posting.

I work full time in the insurance industry and am married with two boys. I work about 45 minutes from home so it gives me a greater area in which to shop. It has been a good part time job for me that doesn't require I be out of the house for hours on end. Love the flexibility and love the money!

Looking forwarding to getting to know you all!

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Hi, Lori, welcome, this is a really fun forum with lots of good info. I've learned a lot. I love to shop on the way to and from work and at lunch. Glad to have you.
I am in Eastern Pennsylvania. I have been mystery shopping for about a year.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
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