Hi from NC

I just retired and want to get back into Mystry Shopping. It has been 12 years since I was involved and wonder what has changed, if anything. I also have my Gold MSPA certificate but not sure where I have my information. Is it still needed and is there a way to find the number. Thanks.

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Welcome to the forum and welcome back to Mystery Shopping! You will find that many companies have merged, changed their name, or been bought by other companies in your absence. Of course Gold MSPA was never needed, but the data is likely still out there. It is very likely that many of the companies you used to work with have marked your account as dormant or dropped it. You likely will need to directly contact at least some of those companies because when you attempt to register again they will tell you you are already registered based on your social security number. In the discussion you can ask if they have your MSPA number. From what I am reading that may be a more viable way to recover the number than directly from the MSPA.
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