About to go on my 1st shop !!!

Hi all,

Newbie here -- about to go on my 1s shop ( On Monday) after a bit of a mis-start.
I signed up for a high paying last minute shop, and it wasn't until I read the "notes" that I realized it wasn't for me.
It involved signing up for a service contract, purchasing a high ticket item, then returning it exactly 2 days later.
This was not explained until you actual signed up for the shop, so I had to cancel. Not a good way to start my new career.

So what should I be looking for?
Any helpful hints?

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Read the instructions, read the questionnaire, make notes, do some mental rehearsal of how you might handle questions asked. You don't mention what kind of shop it is, so it is hard to be more specific than that. Realize that virtually every shop requires a 'proof of visit' that they specify, whether it is a receipt, a business card, a brochure or a photo of the store. Make absolutely sure you get it or your work is likely to go down the tubes.
Thanks for the quick response.

It's an auto dealer --- all they want for proof is a biz card.

I love looking at new cars, so hopefully this will be an easy one for me, unlike the cell phone debacle ( had to cancel out of fear I would be stuck with a 2yr year contract and tons of fees, not to mention a cell phone that I don't want --)
I'm sure that the car dealer will be handing out business cards. Make sure you note whether the questionnaire wants a description of the sales person or not, and of course it will want the salesman's name. Good luck and have fun with it!
A good rule of thumb is to talk to yourself into a tape recorder after the shop as well as taking notes. It's fresh in your mind and you don't have to worry about deciphering scribbles later because you tried to capture it all in writing.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I was nervouse my first ten shops, you will do great and this forum has wonderful answers to peoples queations

Hi from Indiana, been doing resets and shops for almost 3 months now.Things started out quickly but have really slowed down. Ive applied with several companies and am offered shops that are very low paying or to far from home. Finding myself very hestitate to do anymore until I receive some form of payment from the one's Ive already completed. If sure its a great way to earn alittle extra, but who are the reputable companies out there? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Hi new2indy. If you have been shopping for almost 3 months, you should be seeing payments begin to flow in. The routinely slowest to pay are Service Sleuth and aTH, with companies such as Goodwin, Freeman, Restaurant Evaluators and sometimes AboutFace requiring prodding by email and phone to get paid. Read about companies that shoppers have worked with. You can use the "Search" feature and look for the company by name. If you don't find recent comments, extend your search to a year. Many of us are signed up with 200+ companies, but in any given year probably only 30-40 of them have shops in our particular area. You are likely to find at least some comments about virtually any company you want to sign up with.
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