Newest Shopper From Central West Coast Florida

Hi! I'm Elizabeth DiVergigelis, but you can call me Lee Ann, which is what I have been called since birth. I am new at mystery shopping and made some monumental mistakes in my first 6-8 weeks. Mostly were out of my own ignorance and a few were schedulers not knowing my "newness" to the "industry". I just joined MSPA this weekend and ordered the CDs for Introductory to Mystery Shopping. I am still concentrating on small easy jobs and waiting on simpler things until I get my sea legs and not jumping into anything big until I know what I am doing.

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Welcome to the forum. I highly suggest that you remove your full name from your post. This is a public forum so there are trolls lurking in the shadows. There are people worse than trolls who will steal your identity.

Being a mystery shopper involves not revealing your true identity. Once again, being a public forum, anyone can read these posts. Employees of clients have been known to access the forum to get the inside info on MS'ing or who shops their store/business/location.
Welcome to the forums. You can learn, for free, here more than any paid "certification" has to offer. Just pulls up a comfy chair, go to the New Mystery Shoppers area and read, read, read.

Please consider removing your true name from your post. This is an open forum and scammers like to grab names or emails from any open forum and target those folks.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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