New to the Forum

Hello to all! I have been reading your posts on this Forum and I have gleaned some terrific information from you. I've been mystery shopping for ten years but one can always learn something new. I am struggling with the amount of time it takes to find jobs. I rely on emails from schedulers primarily, but wonder how other shoppers find assignments. I have a large list of companies, but find it very time consuming to check each website one at a time every single day. Any suggestions?

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I too have a large list of companies and of course many of them I have NEVER found a job in my area. I use one Firefox bookmark for the about 30 companies that I have recently worked with. That allows all of those companies to be pulled up at once with the "Open all in tabs" feature. I try to check those 30 companies daily, especially during the first and last weeks of the month. It takes less than a half hour to go through the stack and then if I'm in a hurry I can not bother opening the tabs of those who have already posted or who I feel sure are not ready to post yet. I agree it would take hours to go through every company I am signed up with and most of that time would be just wasted because they never have had and are likely to never have clients in my area. While I also will look at emails, the global emails most frequently are for work that nobody took--often for a good reason.
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