Hello from the Triangle area of North Carolina

Hi friends, I'm new to MS and wish I'd found this site before I signed up with a few companies and even accepted my first shop! I've spent hours already reading all of the stickies and perusing the site. What a lot of wisdom here! I'm feeling really good about deciding to dip my toes into this business!

I will know I'm a successful MS'er when I make enough to pay someone else to scrub my toilets.

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Thanks Flash. Your name is everywhere on this forum and I'm learning a lot from you already! BTW I think I saw that you have twins... I do too, but they are only 5 years old. The fact that they have just started kindergarten is what prompted me to go ahead and get started with MS!

I will know I'm a successful MS'er when I make enough to pay someone else to scrub my toilets.
Yes, my twins are now in their early 40's and to my surprise the other day one of them was talking about taking early retirement because his company is being bought out. Twins are a whole lot of fun because when one is being a rotten PITA the other knows enough to be sweet, loving and helpful. The PITA straightens out real fast so they aren't left out.

As you get started shopping be a little careful of shops that are really time and date specific. Unless your kids have been in pre-school with a bunch of fellow germ carriers, your schedule is likely to be interrupted a number of times with sick kids.
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